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Wednesday, 06 September 2023

Carbon-neutral commitment recognised again

The City of Subiaco’s green credentials have once again been recognised, with the City being confirmed as carbon neutral for its Australian Business Operations in 2021–22.

The City received carbon-neutral certification from Climate Active for the third year in a row.

To retain its carbon-neutral certification, the City had to list actions taken over the previous year to continue reducing its carbon emissions.

Significant actions taken over the 2021–22 reporting period included upgrading 105 streetlights to LEDs, and signing up six sites to purchase 100% renewable electricity.

Mayor David McMullen said, “We know that environmental initiatives are important to our community and we are delighted to have been awarded carbon-neutral certification again.

“We will continue to work on ways to reduce our carbon footprint.

“For example, in the coming year the City is planning to upgrade the Stubbs Terrace principal shared path to encourage cycling and walking, and we will continue with our annual tree planting program.”

Read more about the City’s sustainability and environmental initiatives.
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